Which theater will you win? Best two out of three and you're one battle closer to winning the war. Air, Land, and Sea is an elegant versus, card battling game. Six cards per theater for 18 cards total, you only get six to compete for victory. Make your decisions wisely because you do not know what the competition will bring.

Spider: It is so nice that it's a small box game. It's only 18 cards but so elegantly designed. There is a complexity to the tactics needed to win, but the overall simplicity of the game was exciting. When you get your six cards in hand there is an immediate, curious response of thinking about your adversary's hand.
Cat: It was a super quick game that got me engaged. It had me puzzling what my opponent might have in their hand and thinking through card plays that could lead me to victory. It did take a few rounds to learn how to effectively sequence the cards. Owl dominated our play-throughs for a bit, but I will give that to his strategic prowess.
Spider: Weirdly, my favorite thing about the gameplay was having the withdraw option. I thought that was really interesting. Even if you think you had a killer hand, you don't necessarily want to hit fast and hard. If I play my hardest cards right away the other person might just withdraw. There's also the aspect that you could withdraw and live to play another round. You never know if you're going to win or lose. It's not always obvious who will win or lose.

Cat: It took me a few rounds to figure out how to leverage my attacks without coming on too strong. I also had to figure out the withdraw mechanism and see how to prolong the games when Owl was on the prowl.
Spider: The game play is super fast and it's cool that it's a two player only game. There is so much depth in such a few cards. The abilities on the cards and the fact you could only have 6 cards in your hand made it super interesting.
The art of the game was fine and it seemed very traditional World War II style game. I liked the aspect of the three different theaters and that you only had to win two out of three.

Cat: The instructions were straight forward and obvious. I actually just listened to Owl explain the game. He had it nailed down and that was super fun. Him being able to explain the game seemed to be a big confidence boost and it really drew him in, which as a mom was great to see. Also, Dog is learning to read really well now so watching him read the cards and have real time lightbulbs go off is adorable. He can read the cards silently and when he figures out what they mean he gets big smiles on in face.

Owl (age 8): I liked that game was small. You could play it in a car or on a plane ride. I liked that there was a first player and a second player and they switched each round. I liked they got different amounts of points if the other player withdrew. Adding dice to the game might be fun because I like rolling dice.
Dog (age 6): I liked the art on the cards.
Overall Ratings
Spider: 4 Spiders

Cat: 3 Cats

Owl: 4 Owls

Dog: 4 Dogs